{"name":"Barchart","key":"barchart","version":"1.0.0","instructions":"This will display a bar chart. Put the data labels and matching data into comma separated strings inside the labels and data fields.","showatto":"1","showplayers":"0","requirecss":"","requirejs":"//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/Chart.js/1.0.2/Chart.min.js","shim":"","defaults":"width=600,height=400,datalabel=mydata,labels=\"jan,feb,march\",data=\"1,2,3\"","amd":"1","body":"","bodyend":"","script":"var ctx = document.getElementById(\"@@AUTOID@@\").getContext(\"2d\");\nvar cjoptions = {\n\n\n ///Boolean - Whether grid lines are shown across the chart\n scaleShowGridLines : true,\n\n //String - Colour of the grid lines\n scaleGridLineColor : \"rgba(0,0,0,.05)\",\n\n //Number - Width of the grid lines\n scaleGridLineWidth : 1,\n\n //Boolean - Whether the line is curved between points\n bezierCurve : true,\n\n //Number - Tension of the bezier curve between points\n bezierCurveTension : 0.4,\n\n //Boolean - Whether to show a dot for each point\n pointDot : true,\n\n //Number - Radius of each point dot in pixels\n pointDotRadius : 4,\n\n //Number - Pixel width of point dot stroke\n pointDotStrokeWidth : 1,\n\n //Number - amount extra to add to the radius to cater for hit detection outside the drawn point\n pointHitDetectionRadius : 20,\n\n //Boolean - Whether to show a stroke for datasets\n datasetStroke : true,\n\n //Number - Pixel width of dataset stroke\n datasetStrokeWidth : 2,\n\n //Boolean - Whether to fill the dataset with a colour\n datasetFill : true,\n\n //String - A legend template\n legendTemplate : \"\"\n\n}\n\nvar cjdata = {\n labels: \"@@labels@@\".split(\",\"),\n datasets: [\n {\n label: \"@@datalabel@@\",\n fillColor: \"rgba(220,220,220,0.2)\",\n strokeColor: \"rgba(220,220,220,1)\",\n pointColor: \"rgba(220,220,220,1)\",\n pointStrokeColor: \"#fff\",\n pointHighlightFill: \"#fff\",\n pointHighlightStroke: \"rgba(220,220,220,1)\",\n data: \"@@data@@\".split(\",\")\n }\n ]\n};\n\nvar myBarChart = new Chart(ctx).Bar(cjdata, cjoptions);","style":"","dataset":"","datasetvars":"","alternate":"","alternateend":""}