{"key":"tabs","name":"Tabs","instructions":"Tabs separate content by heading and are an efficient way to organize data and avoid lots of scrolling. These tabs are Jquery-UI tabs. Add tabs, and between the Generico tab tags nest as many Generico tabitems as you need. You can not put bullet points inside tabs. ","requirecss":"//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.12.1/jquery-ui.min.css","showatto":"1","requirejs":"","shim":"","defaults":"","amd":"1","body":"
","script":"var theul = $(\"#\" + @@AUTOID@@ + \" ul\");\n//because users may copy/paste/massage the tab items, we get html junk\n//so move any span nested tab items to directly under tabs\n$(\".filter_generico_tabitem\", $(\"#\" + @@AUTOID@@)).each(function () {\n $(this).unwrap('span');\n});\n\n//create li items for each tab item, ignore the (important) ul element and remove html junk\n$(\"#\" + @@AUTOID@@).children().each(function () {\n if($(this).is(\".filter_generico_tabitem\")){\n theul.append(\"
  • \"+this.title+\"
  • \");\n //end of if is tabitem\n}else if(!$(this).is('ul')){\n this.remove();\n}\n});\n\n//finally create the tabs\n$( \"#\" + @@AUTOID@@).tabs();","style":"","dataset":"","datasetvars":"","alternate":"","alternateend":"","version":"1.0.1"}